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Any property of a registered class can be registered as long as it is public, mutable and can be converted to a Variant. To register a property annotate it with @RegisterProperty.

class RotatingCube: Node3D() {
    lateinit var lateInitProperty: NodePath

    var propertyWithDefaultValue: Float = 2f


Property names should follow Kotlin's style which is camelCase. For consistency with Godot's style, your properties are actually registered as snake_case. So a property someFlag in Kotlin is usable in GDScript as some_flag.

Exporting properties

A registered property can be exported (a.k.a make it visible in the Godot editor) by annotating it with @Export. A property can be exported if it is a core type, a primitive or inherits from godot.RefCounted.

class RotatingCube: Node3D() {
    var speed: Float = 2f

Exported properties can also have default values (2f in the example above) which will be used as a default value by the inspector. A default value can only contain compile time constants and only references to compile time constants.


If you set a default value in code and a different value in the inspector the value of the latter will override the value in code after init and before _enter_tree.

Type Hint Registration

This module provides a plethora of annotations for defining property type hints. These annotations controls how Godot display the property in the inspector. Each property hint annotation can only be added to certain types of properties. Using the wrong annotation will make the compilation fail. These will only take effect if the property is exported.


If you are using IntelliJ IDEA and have our plugin installed, you will get a warning about wrong annotation usages.

Below is a list of currently implemented type hints:

Annotation Type of Property Arguments Short Description
IntRange Int start: Int, end: Int, step: Int = -1, or: Range = Range.NONE Provides a range of ints from start to end, with optional steps, and optional lesser or greater
FloatRange Float start: Float, end: Float, step: Float = -1, or: Range = Range.NONE Provides a range of floats from start to end, with optional steps, and optional lesser or greater
DoubleRange Double start: Double, end: Double, step: Double = -1, or: Range = Range.NONE Provides a range of doubles from start to end, with optional steps, and optional lesser or greater
ExpRange Float Double start: Float, end: Float, step: Float = -1, or: Range = Range.NONE Provides a exponential range of doubles or floats from start to end, with optional steps, and optional lesser or greater
EnumTypeHint Enum Registers an enum. The editor then provides a selection of the possible enum values
ExpEasing Float Double attenuation: Boolean = false, inOut: Boolean = true N/A
EnumFlag Set MutableSet Registers a flag with the enum names set as the flag names. The values in the set define which flags are set.
IntFlag Int names: vararg String Same as enum flag but the names set which values can be set in the inspector and no automatic conversion to the individual flag values happen.
File String extensions: Array = [], global: Boolean = false The inspector will show a File dialog in which you can select a File. The Path of the file will be stored in the property.
Dir String global: Boolean = false The inspector will show a File dialog in which you can select a directory. The Path of the directory will be stored in the property.
MultilineText String The inspector shows a multiline text input.
PlaceHolderText String N/A
ColorNoAlpha Color The inspector shows a color selection dialog without Alpha


It's not easy to track changes to these property hints on the Godot project. If one is missing or not working as expected, please file an issue on GitHub.