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Shared buffer


The classical way of making the JVM and C++ code interact with each other is to use JNI. JNI works well, but its overhead is too high when you wish to make a lot of small calls, especially when you wish to call a method with a lot of parameters. A way to bypass that is to create a buffer that will be shared between the two languages so we only have to write and read from that buffer to exchange data.


The only data written in that buffer are the usual Godot types: primitives, strings, coreTypes, and objects. We don't need a generic way of serializing data like protobuff. We tried that solution at first, but it was too slow for an interprocess job. Writing data to the buffer is quite simple in C++, we just use the Marshalls utility of the Godot Engine. On the Kotlin side, we just reimplement them from scratch.


To avoid unnecessary locks, we create one buffer for each thread that works with both C++ and the JVM. That way, one thread doesn't need to wait for another to finish its job with the buffer. The buffer currently has a size of 4 KB by default. The reason for that is that we allow strings up to 512 bytes in size and only 8 parameters for a registered Kotlin function.


String is a special case because it has a dynamic size so they can potentially have any size. We have set a maximum size allowed in the buffer. If we go above it, it switches to a regular JNI call. When it is done that way, the string is stored in a queue so we can retrieve the strings from it instead of reading from the buffer. In most cases, you would rarely reach that maximum size in a video game. Other dynamic types like Array and Dictionary are not an issue as only their pointers is sent to the JVM.

Buffer structure

The first value of the buffer is always an Int that indicates the number of variables to read. Each variable starts with another Int that indicates its type then followed by the relevant data of that type.

type ordinal content
Nil 0
Bool 1 Bool: 4 Bytes
Int 2 Long: 8 Bytes
Real 3 Double: 8 Bytes
String 4 Bool: 4Bytes, Dynamic: 512 Bytes at most (if Bool is set to true, empty otherwise)
Vector2 5 x: Float: 4 Bytes, y: Float: 4 Bytes
Rect2 6 position : Vector2: 8 Bytes, size : Vector2: 8 Bytes
Vector3 7 x: Float: 4 Bytes, y: Float: 4 Bytes, z: Float: 4 Bytes
Transform2D 8 x: Vector2: 8 Bytes, y: Vector2: 8 Bytes, origin: Vector2: 8 Bytes
Plane 9 normal: Vector3: 12 Bytes, d: Float: 4 Bytes
Quat 10 x: Float: 4 Bytes, y: Float: 4 Bytes, z: Float: 4 Bytes, w: Float: 4 Bytes
AABB 11 position : Vector3: 12 Bytes, size : Vector3: 12 Bytes
Basis 12 x : Vector3: 12 Bytes, y : Vector3: 12 Bytes, z : Vector3: 12 Bytes
Transform 13 basis: Basis: 36 Bytes, origin: Vector3: 12 Bytes
Color 14 red: Float: 4 Bytes, green: Float: 4 Bytes, blue: Float: 4 Bytes, alpha: Float: 4 Bytes
NodePath 15 pointer: ptr: 8 Bytes
RID 16 pointer: ptr: 8 Bytes
Object 17 pointer: ptr: 8 Bytes, JVM_constructor_index: Int: 4 Bytes, isReference: Bool: 4 Bytes, object_id: Long: 8 Bytes
Dictionnary 18 pointer: ptr: 8 Bytes
Array 19 pointer: ptr: 8 Bytes
PoolXArray 20 to 27 pointer: ptr: 8 Bytes