Command-line arguments

The following command-line arguments can be supplied to customize the behaviour or the Godot Kotlin/JVM binding:

Argument Default value Description Example
--java-vm-type jvm Defines the VM to run on. Possible values are jvm and graal_native_image. When set to graal_native_image it uses Graal native image. This has no effect on android platform.
--jvm-debug-port Defines the port to which you can attach a remote debugger. Note: the module jdk.jdwp.agent is needed in the embedded JRE if you want to debug your application. If you need jmx, also the module is needed --jvm-debug-port=5005
--jvm-debug-address Defines which adresses are allowed for debugging --jvm-debug-address=localhost
--wait-for-debugger true Accepted values: true or false. Defines if the jvm should suspend execution until a remote debugger is attached. Only effective if either --jvm-debug-port or --jvm-debug-address is set --wait-for-debugger=true
--jvm-jmx-port Defines the jmx port. Note: the module is needed in the embedded JRE to be able to use jmx --jvm-jmx-port=5006
--jvm-to-engine-max-string-size 512 Maximun size of strings sent through the buffer. When above that value, strings are sent with a slower JNI Call. A bigger size means a bigger buffer. Increase if you need a lot of long strings and don't mind using more memory. One buffer exists for each thread --jvm-to-engine-max-string-size=512
--jvm-force-gc If set the JVM GC is forced to run when our own GC runs. --jvm-force-gc
--jvm-disable-gc Disables our GC. Caution: If you disable our GC you will have memory leaks as all Reference types and Native Types are not Garbage collected anymore --jvm-disable-gc
--jvm-disable-closing-leaks-warning Disables the output of leaked instances when closing the application --jvm-disable-closing-leaks-warning