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To export the game, you should copy exports into the correct template folder, which should be:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\templates\<godot-version>
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/templates/<godot-version>

You should also renamed the release export to:

  • Windows: windows_64_release.exe
  • Linux: linux_x11_64_release

And release_debug to:

  • Windows: windows_64_debug.exe
  • Linux: linux_x11_64_debug

On OSX use the script mentioned in this issue as it will do the job for you.

Then you can export your game as usual, your game jar will be included in pck. On desktop platforms, this also copies the jre folder of your project in the exported game folder.


To export your game, you need to have an embedded JRE created. Run the following command within your project's root.

jlink --add-modules java.base,java.logging --output jre

The above command will create a very minimal JVM, if you need extra features you can include the following modules:

  • jdk.jdwp.agent to enable remote debugging
  • to enable JMX.


godot-bootstrap.jar and main.jar are set into pck during the export process. As a real file path is needed to handle them, they are copied on the first game version start from res:// to user:// (we check if it exists and also check the md5 hash) to only update when needed. Don't forget to remove them when writing an uninstaller for your game.



If you plan to export your game to android, make sure the libraries you use, are actually compatible with android.

In order to build for Android, set the isAndroidExportEnabled flag to true in your build file.

godot {

On android, we do not embed a JVM, we use the existing ART provided by the OS. In order for your game to load the necessary jar files, they need to be converted into dex format. Our gradle plugin will handle this for you, but you need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Android SDK installed
  • d8 tool resolvable by setting the d8ToolPath to the file path of d8:

    godot {
        d8ToolPath = File("${System.getenv("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT")}/build-tools/31.0.0/d8")

  • Setting the androidCompileSdkDir to your target sdk version (most of the time, you want to set it to the newest version available):

    godot {
        androidCompileSdkDir = File("${System.getenv("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT")}/platforms/android-30")

  • Setting the androidMinApi (equivalent to --min-api argument of d8 tool), default is 21:

    godot {
        androidMinApi = 22


Similar to the desktop targets, the game copies the needed jar files to the user:// directory upon first execution or if the files have changed. On android this is the applications files folder. If you do IO operations on Android, never empty the whole files folder! Only delete what you have added or exclude the following two files when clearing the files folder: godot-bootstrap-dex.jar and main-dex.jar.

GraalVM Native Image


GraalVM native image is a advanced feature and requires a lot of work to support. Especially if you rely on many third party libraries.

In order to build for graalvm, follow GraalVM native-image section in advanced user guide.

As main.jar and godot-bootstrap.jar, usercode shared library is set in pck during the export process and is copied to user directory. Don't forget to destroy them when creating an uninstaller.

  • GraalVM native image is not available for android platform.

On desktop platform default export is inferred by the godot_kotin_configuration.json file. You still can export for jvm and native-image, by adding feature export-all-jvm. In this case, the default JVM started by engine is the one from godot_kotin_configuration.json and can be overridden by command line.